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Activate, Educate, Grounding, Intuitive, Jovial, Precise, Results
Finest therapeutic deep tissue massage combined with gentle energetics that you can have in the comfort of your own home.

All treatments done through loose fitting clothing, with a little oil to work on your neck.

Available weekends and in corporate settings too.

30+ years experience

"The Massage Therapist's Massage Therapist"
Basically my job is to decrease restricted movement, increase blood flow and facilitate you restoring your body's energetic vitality.
I work to lull, cajole, fiercely jostle and aggressively undo the fibrous adhesion (knots) in your joints, muscles and connective tissue.

I take into account your body's history and then show up fresh for every massage, keen to listen to what your body has to tell me "today".
Often undoing holding patterns in your body requires effort and time. Most folks have years of postural imbalances, breaking down layers of adhesions and re-pattern your body takes something.

Hi, I'm Scott,
The highly skilled professional coming to you with exceptional therapeutic deep tissue massage combined with gentle relaxing energetics, done through loose clothing or office wear.
Honed my Massage Skills by:
  • first, massaging my Dad at 12-years old, my first summer on Hornby Island, imitating the athletic trainers on TV at the 1976 Montreal Olympics. Kept massaging people until college.
  • receiving Shiatsu Therapy, late '80's, between contracts of grass roots mining exploration.
  • starting the 2-year 2400-hour Registered Massage Therapist program in 1988 at The West Coast College of Massage Therapy, WCCMT in Vancouver.
  • massaging all my instructors and taking on challenging pathologies at WCCMT's student clinic.
  • moving to Whistler to start my practice in 1990.
  • assisting the Osteopathic Doctors who pioneered Manual Medicine, at symposiums.
  • opening the Mountain Wellness Centre at Nester's Market in Whistler in 1995.
  • practicing with an advanced Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine for 6 years.
  • observing hands on an L4-L5 spinal fusion surgery at Toronto's University Hospital.
  • doing locums treating elders with whiplash injuries and folks in tough blue collar towns.
  • teaching at West Coast College of Massage Therapy and Vancouver School of Massage.
  • working multidisciplinary with Chiros and Physios in Whistler on performance athletes.
  • studying Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Neuro-Muscular Therapy and Reiki.
  • learning from a West Coast First Nations Medicine Woman, who'd started training with her two Grandfathers at 6-years old, Medicine Men from the Sto':lo and Cowichan Nations.
  • developing a Deep Tissue Massage Course to teach Spa Therapists in Vancouver and Whistler.
  • providing on-site desk-top office massage for executive teams in Vancouver.
  • organizing teams of student massage therapists for Sports Events and teams of manual medicine professionals for Music Festivals.
  • running Circuit Training exercise classes for groups and personal training clients.
  • working at the Hotel Vancouver, Waterfront Centre Hotel, Sutton Place and Wall Centre Spas.
Corporate on-site desktop massage:
  • Treatments are done seated with a Desk Topper; a padded face board and chest pad designed to be used on any flat desk/table surface.
  • 15 or 20 minute treatments per team member.
  • By the time I leave there will be a shift in the tone of your office, like a library of graduate students, which lasts 2 to 5 days.
  • Corporate rate is $135 an hour with an on-going 2-hour minimum appointment booking.
  • Longer treatments with a massage table are available on-site too.
Avid cyclist, skier, live music lover and dance floor enthusiast.
Physical transformation takes attention, intention and time.
My treatment philosophy is results driven and I love working over a good project with people who want to get things done. Treatments best affect change 7 to 10 days apart, 3 to 5 days apart in acute situations and 5 days apart when you want to be "Moving The Goalposts" on a chronic situation.
Grateful my work feels like Play and for the fun of facilitating you getting your body in balance.
Ska Jah - nickname growing up on Hornby Island.
You get the massage I'd want to have if my body presented like yours does.
My joy is seeing you positively altered. Likely you'll be taller when we're done.


Where I've been blessed to practice:

Hornby Island



Deep Tissue massage and Energetics techniques:

  • Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Reflexology, Neuromuscular Technique, Joint Play, Sports Therapy Massage and influenced by Rolfing and Shiatsu.

  • Cranial Sacral Therapy, Muscle Energy, Reiki - Universal Healing Energy, an energy like Polarity Therapy, Chakra Unwinding and Energizing

Treatment Rates in your home:

Minimum 90 minute per appointment time

60 Minutes - $140

 - Usually pretty aggressive addressing specific areas, great for multiple treatments to rehab injuries, like a shoulder-neck injury, with time for the compensatory shoulder, back and chest area.

75 Minutes - $170

 - Can touch all the bases, feet and neck too. Or get super specific on a few areas.

90 Minutes - $200 

 -  Full body with focus on a few areas, includes feet, 10 to 15 minutes on your neck, some energetics.

The Sweet Spot - 105 Minutes - $225

 - Definition: "an optimum point which makes it most effective". Have always felt most satisfied with giving a fully comprehensive treatment in an hour and forty-five minutes. Leave no stone unturned.

120 Minutes - $250

 - Full body massage, potentially 1/2 an hour on your neck and energetics.

THE RESET - 150 Minutes - $300

 - A favourite massage to do..!!!

Usually 110 minutes of Deep Tissue work, 30 minutes on your neck and 40 minutes of energetics, using Cranial Sacral work unwinding the 3 diaphragms, finding your system's still point, clearing your Chakras and gently charge your system with Reiki and Polarity.

Can also be mostly deep tissue work or energetics, depending on your body's needs and your input.

Moving The Goalposts - 10 Sweet Spot Treatments in 50 Days - $2,200

Corporate Rate - $135 an hour, for an on-going minimum 2-hour appointment.


Billing - Scott has not been registered with the professional association for years.

They never supported their own rules and he grew tired of paying them their dues for nothing.

If you need to a registered therapist for insurance billing needs, you'll need to find someone else.

If you want the best in your home, contact Scott

All taxes and transportation are included, distance and multiple flights of stairs charges may apply.

"When I read Scott's website, "Moving the Goalposts" stood out to me, I thought that's what we need. After 10 sessions everything is easier, reaching into the cupboard, putting on my sweater and loading things from the boat to the cabin. I feel reset."

Rob and Enneke Allen, Vancouver

Fibrous Adhesions - Scar Tissue - Restricted Range of Motion (ROM)

When your muscles get strained from injury or over used from postural imbalance, inflammation begins. The body responds by laying down collagen fiber, the same tissue as in your tendons, ligaments and fascia. Your body lays it down haphazardly and sticky, making muscle fibers and groups of muscles start to adhere to each other.

Your body does this to try and limit the ROM that's causing you pain.

The next day as you move the muscle through the same ROM or hold it statically with poor posture and the inflammation starts again, and more collagen fiber is layered on. Imagine how much of this happen over weeks, months and years of imbalance.

Muscles operate in three phases: relaxed, static (hold) and active. Often muscles specific to posture are over activated and they won't naturally go back to static phase, let alone "try" to be relaxed.

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